Art Catalogues & Technical Bulletins
The stories behind great paintings and the context of their creation are part of what make these works important. This means the study of art is vast and ever-developing, as new scholarly ideas and areas of discussion emerge.
If you are interested in learning more about particular aspects of art and what goes into creating timeless paintings, the National Gallery Shop’s selection of art catalogues and technical bulletins can help.
With a number of publications available to enjoy, the art catalogues at the National Gallery Shop are ideal for anybody keen to learn more about why great paintings stand the test of time.
This range includes transcripts of the Linbury Lectures at the National Gallery. These annual events bring distinguished speakers from across the broad fields of culture, academia and museums. With lectures that have explored themes covering the National Gallery’s history and collection, these transcripts are a good choice for anybody keen to learn more about these topics.
There are also Technical Bulletins produced by the National Gallery available. These publications offer a unique record of research carried out at the National Gallery, and feature the work of curators, conservators and scientists.
Browse through our art gallery catalogues and find a new addition to your reading material.